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Friday, 2 November 2012

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Monday, 29 October 2012

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What is the history of AIDS?

What is the history of AIDS?
What is the history of AIDS?

What is the history of AIDS?

Careful investigation has helped scientists determine where AIDS came from. Studies have shown that the human immunodeficiency virus first arose in Africa. It spread from primates to people early in the twentieth century, possibly when humans came into contact with infected blood during a chimpanzee hunt. By testing stored blood samples, scientists have found evidence of human infection as long ago as 1959.
Once introduced into humans, HIV was spread through sexual intercourse from person to person. As infected people moved around, the virus spread from Africa to other areas of the world. In 1981, U.S. physicians noticed that a large number of young men were dying of unusual infections and cancers. Initially, U.S. victims were predominately homosexual men, probably because the virus inadvertently entered this population first in this country and because the virus is transmitted easily during anal intercourse. However, it is important to note that the virus also is efficiently transmitted through heterosexual activity and contact with infected blood or secretions. In Africa, which remains the center of the AIDS pandemic, most cases are heterosexually transmitted. Twenty years ago, the news that Magic Johnson had acquired HIV heterosexually helped the country realize that the infection was not limited to men who had sex with men. Currently in the U.S., approximately 27% of new HIV infections are a result of heterosexual transmission.
In the years since the virus was first identified, HIV has spread to every corner of the globe and is one of the leading causes of infectious death worldwide. Statistics from the World Health Organization show that approximately 2 million people die each year from AIDS, and 250,000 of these are children. Worldwide, half of HIV-infected people are women. Two-thirds of current cases are in sub-Saharan Africa.
In the U.S., more than 1 million people are currently infected with HIV, and approximately 35,000 are newly diagnosed with AIDS each year. Over the years, more than 600,000 people in the U.S. have died from AIDS, many of them during what should have been their most productive years of life.
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Smoking, alcohol and drugs

Here we discuss the way you involve these three drugs in your life. Smoking is a sure way to get lung cancer and other diseases and is hopelessly addictive without the right support if you want to quit. Alcohol is a freely available drug and can cause many problems for those who drink too much. We look at how these drugs interact with your system and why they can affect your life. We also speak to medical experts on ways look at how big a part these particular drugs play in your everyday life. Support is on hand from our charity and support group listings and information from fellow sufferer on our discussion forums.

NatMags - glasses of

Alcohol and drugs

Here you can find more on their effects, plus details on where to get help for addiction.

NatMags - broken


Quitting isn't easy, so we've included tips and methods that can help.

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Hepatitis B History

Hepatitis B History
Hepatitis B History

16th -Century Korean Mummy Provides Clue to Hepatitis B Virus Genetic Code

ScienceDaily (May 29, 2012) — The discovery of a mummified Korean child with relatively preserved organs enabled an Israeli-South Korean scientific team to conduct a genetic analysis on a liver biopsy which revealed a unique hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype C2 sequence common in Southeast Asia.
The reconstruction of the ancient hepatitis B virus genetic code is the oldest full viral genome described in the scientific literature to date. It was reported in the May 21 edition of the scientific journal Hepathology by a research team from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment; the Hebrew University's Faculty of Medicine, the Hadassah Medical Center's Liver Unit; Dankook University and Seoul National University in South Korea.Additional analysis of the ancient HBV genomes may be used as a model to study the evolution of chronic hepatitis B and help understand the spread of the virus, possibly from Africa to East-Asia. It also may shed further light on the migratory pathway of hepatitis B in the Far East from China and Japan to Korea as well as to other regionsin Asia and Australia where it is a major cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Carbon 14 tests of the clothing of the mummy suggests that the boy lived around the 16th century during the Korean Joseon Dynasty. The viral DNA sequences recovered from the liver biopsy enabled the scientists to map the entire ancient hepatitis B viral genome.
Using modern-day molecular genetic techniques, the researchers compared the ancient DNA sequences with contemporary viral genomes disclosing distinct differences. The changes in the genetic code are believed to result from spontaneous mutations and possibly environmental pressures during the virus evolutionary process. Based on the observed mutations rates over time, the analysis suggests that the reconstructed mummy's hepatitis B virus DNA had its origin between 3,000 to 100,000 years ago.
The hepatitis B virus is transmitted through the contact with infected body fluids , i.e. from carrier mothers to their babies, through sexual contact and intravenous drug abuse. According to the World Health Organization, there are over 400 million carriers of the virus worldwide, predominantly in Africa, China and South Korea, where up to 15 percent of the population are cariers of the virus. In recent years, universal immunization of newborns against hepatitis B in Israel and in South Korea has lead to a massive decline in the incidence of infection.
The findings are the result of a collaborative effort between Dr. Gila Kahila Bar-Gal of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Koret School of Veterinary Medicine; Prof. Daniel Shouval of the Hadassah Medical Center's Liver Unit and Hebrew University; Dr. Myeung Ju Kim of Dankook University, Seok Ju Seon Memorial Museum; Dr. Dong Hoon Shin of Seoul National University, College of Medicine ; Prof Mark Spigelman of the Hebrew University's Dept. of Parasitology and Dr. Paul R. Grant of University College of London,Dept. of Virology.
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Ebola Virus Symptoms

Ebola Virus Symptoms
For people infected with the Ebola virus, symptoms may include fever, vomiting, dry cough, and stomach pain. Symptoms of infection with the Ebola virus typically begin four to six days after infection. Other Ebola virus symptoms may include a rash, hiccups, red eyes, and internal and external bleeding.


After a person becomes infected with the Ebola virus, it begins to multiply within the body. On average, Ebola virus symptoms begin four to six days after infection. The period between infection and the start of symptoms is called the incubation period for the virus. The Ebola incubation period can be as short as 2 days or as long as 21 days.


Ebola virus symptoms usually begin abruptly. Common symptoms can include:
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Dry, hacking cough
  • Weakness
  • Severe headache
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting.
  • A rash, hiccups, red eyes, and internal and external bleeding may be seen in some patients. On dark skin, the rash is often not recognized until it begins to peel.
    In pregnant women, common Ebola virus symptoms can include heavy vaginal bleeding and abortion (miscarriage).
    Death usually occurs during the second week of symptoms. Ebola victims typically die from massive blood loss.

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Ebola Research

Ebola Research

Ebola research scientists are conducting many studies in hopes of answering important questions about the illness. Researchers are studying new diagnostic tools to help diagnose the illness sooner. Other areas of Ebola research include ecological studies focused on the search for the natural reservoir of the virus. An experimental Ebola vaccine that has shown promise in previous studies with monkeys is being researched.


Doctors and scientists all over the country are conducting Ebolaresearch. Ebola research studies are designed to answer important questions and to find out whether or not new approaches are safe and effective. Ebola research already has led to many advances, and researchers continue to search for more effective methods for dealing with Ebola.


Ebola research scientists are currently studying additional diagnostic tools to assist in early diagnosis of Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
Ebola research scientists are also conducting ecological investigations of Ebola virus, and its possible reservoir. More extensive knowledge of the natural reservoir (habitat) of Ebola virus, and how the virus is spread, must be acquired to prevent future outbreaks effectively.
Other Ebola research scientists are monitoring suspected areas to determine how common Ebola outbreaks are.
Finally, Ebola research scientists are actively studying an experimental Ebola vaccine that has shown promise in previous monkey studies. In 2003, an Ebola research study began that is evaluating the safety of this experimental Ebola vaccine in humans. The trial Ebola vaccine, a type called a DNA vaccine, is similar to other investigational vaccines that hold promise for controlling such diseases as AIDSinfluenzamalaria, and hepatitis.
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Ebola Diagnosis

Ebola Diagnosis

When making an Ebola diagnosis, the doctor will ask about the patient's medical history and perform a physical exam. Diagnosing Ebola early can be difficult, due to the fact that the early symptoms of Ebola can be similar to those seen with other medical conditions. The doctor may order lab tests that can identify the virus itself or antibodies that the body makes to fight the Ebola virus.


In order to make an Ebola diagnosis, the doctor will ask a number of questions, including questions about:
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Don't Risk a Body Color Clash

You've finally found your perfect shade of nail polish. So would it be too matchy-matchy to wear it on your fingers and toes? Wearing the same shade of polish on your fingers and toes helps you look more finished. You can use two different colors, but make sure they coordinate. Having red fingernails and blue toenails isn't the way to go
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Remembering Georg Feuerstein, 1947-2012
This week the yoga community is mourning the loss of one of its foremost scholars, Georg Feuerstein, who died at his home on August 25. He was 65. Born in Germany in 1947, Feuerstein completed his postgraduate studies in England before moving to the U.S. He later became a resident of Canada.
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Ebola Vaccine

Ebola Vaccine

There is not yet a licensed Ebola vaccine for humans; however, a vaccine has been shown to be effective in monkeys. If this vaccine proves similarly effective in humans, it may one day allow scientists to quickly contain Ebola outbreaks. The trial vaccine is similar to other investigational vaccines that hold promise for controlling such diseases as AIDS, influenza, malaria, and hepatitis.


Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a highly contagious disease that causes death in up to 90 percent of those infected with the virus. Furthermore, there is no treatment that will cure the infection once it begins; therefore, preventing the spread of the virus is crucial to containing outbreaks. This is one reason why research scientists are actively studying a possible Ebola vaccine.
At this point, there is not a licensed vaccine for humans; however, an Ebola vaccine has shown to be effective in monkeys.


Based on recent research findings, a single shot of a fast-acting, experimental vaccine successfully protected monkeys from the deadly Ebola virus after only one month. If this vaccine proves similarly effective in humans, it may one day allow scientists to quickly contain Ebola outbreaks with ring vaccination, which is the same strategy that was successfully used against smallpox, according to a study published in Nature.
This research has enormous public health implications, not only because it might be used to limit the spread of Ebola virus, which continues to emerge in central Africa, but also because this vaccine strategy may be applied to other highly lethal viruses -- such as the Marburg and Lassa fever viruses, and the SARS coronavirus -- that cause acute disease outbreaks and require a rapid response.
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Symptoms of Dental Caries

Symptoms of Dental Caries

Initially the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold substances and to pressure biting. Later at the base of the tooth an abscess is formed and the pain becomes severe, which maybe constant, sharp, shooting or throbbing and in some cases the teeth needs to be extracted.
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What is Homeopathy?

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient.

Like with like.

Homeopathy is based on the principle that you can treat ‘like with like’, that is, a substance which causes symptoms when taken in large doses, can be used in small amounts to treat those same symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation, so according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine, it could be used to treat people with these symptoms. This concept is sometimes used in conventional medicine, for example, the stimulant Ritalin is used to treat patients with ADHD, or small doses of allergens such as pollen are sometimes used to de-sensitise allergic patients. However, one major difference with homeopathic medicines is that substances are used in ultra high dilutions, which makes them non-toxic.

The science 
Homeopathic medicines (which homeopaths call remedies) are prepared by specialist pharmacies using a careful process of dilution and succussion (a specific form of vigorous shaking).

As yet, science has not been able to explain the mechanism of action of ultra high dilutions in the body, but laboratory experiments have repeatedly demonstrated that homeopathically prepared substances cause biological effects. For example, the hormone thyroxine prepared as a homeopathic ‘30C’ dilution can slow down the process of metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs.
One theory is that during the production of a homeopathic medicine, the dilution and agitation processes cause an interaction between the original material (e.g. a plant such as Belladonna) and the water and alcohol it is mixed with. This creates tiny new structures (nanostructures) which are the ‘active ingredient’ and remain present even when the sample has been diluted many, many times.2
There is also a growing body of research evidence that homeopathic medicines have clinical effects.
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Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are available inTABLETSPILLS, or LIQUID DILUTIONS.
TABLETS are made in lactose and dissolve easily under the tongue. A limited number of remedies are available in tablet form. CPOTENCES are not available in tablets.
PILLS are sucrose based. The blank pills are medicated with the liquid dilution which is adsorbed on the pill. Most remedies are available on pills.
LIQUID DILUTIONS are remedies dispensed in either 20% or 87% alcohol. If you are medicating blank pills with the remedy, you must request 87% alcohol—20% alcohol will melt the pills. If you are taking the remedy orally, you will dilute the remedy in water according to the directions on the label no matter which percentage you select.
3X to 30X
3C to 30C
200C, 1M
10M, 50M

Sunday, 28 October 2012

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Home based Treatment of Dental Caries

www.diseaseclick.comDecayed regions should be cleaned and the cavities should be filled. But if the cavities have reached the pulp, tooth should be extracted.
Teeth should be brushed well in circular motion after every meal to clean the layer of transparent, sticky plaque – which leads to decay. Mineral fluoride in toothpaste helps strengthen outer enamel and makes it less susceptible to decay.
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Homeopathic Remedies for Insanity

Not everyone who needs these remedies is insane; some have migraine headaches, others have hang-overs, still others are only temporarily insane from high fevers, drug use, etc.; but, clearly, some are really "off the wall"; nonetheless, homeopathy can help and sometimes cure! Below are five often-prescribed remedies for "difficult people": 

STRAMONIUM (Stink-weed)

High energy and intensity are striking in this remedy. VIOLENCE or fear of violence is a keynote. Night is a good time to look for Stramonium symptoms because they are AFRAID OF THE DARK, they are worse at night and may need ALL THE LIGHTS ON in the room; a hall light or night light may not be sufficient. NIGHT TERRORS--shrieking in sleep, tossing and turning, sitting up and not knowing anyone, terrified, and not remembering the event the next morning, especially in children, is characteristic. What would cause this state in a person? A high fever, a suppressed fever, a stroke, meningitis, a recent FRIGHT or a fright they've never gotten over, sunstroke, a dog bite, a head injury, rabies, and alcoholism, are all possible causes.

Other Stramonium symptoms include:
Ceaseless talking.
Fear of tunnels.
Desire to escape.
Eyes staring wide; eyes half open during sleep.
Face--expression of terror.
Believes he is possessed by the devil or has other issues with the devil or devils.
There may be an absence of pain where pain would be normal.

RAVING MANIA, super-human strength, dilated pupils, red face, violent rages, manic-depression.
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BOILS, Skin abscess

A boil, also referred to as a skin abscess, is a localized infection deep in the skin. A boil generally starts as a reddened, tender area. Over time, the area becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells that the body sends from the blood stream to eradicate the infection. This collection of white blood cells, bacteria, and proteins is known as pus. Finally, the pus "forms a head," which can be surgically opened or spontaneously drain out through the surface of the skin.


#Belladonna [Bell] 
In boils with much swelling and redness Belladonna is the remedy to be used in the early stages. Boils recurring in the spring also indicate the remedy. Arnica produces a crop of boils all over, beginning with soreness, go on to suppuration, and another crop follows. When the boils partially mature and shrivel up Arnica is the remedy indicated. Calcarea picrata has achieved a clinical reputation in boils.
#Silicea [Sil] 
This is a great boil remedy, and, in conjunction with Hepar sulphuris, prescribed for the general indications of abscess will cover many cases. It is a remedy to prevent boils. It produces inflammation of the connective tissue, and following the boil will be a plastic indurated and often inflamed lump, which Silicea will remove. Calcarea sulphurica is also a remedy to remove the tumefaction of boils. Arsenicum and Carbo vegetabilis come in boils of a low adynamic type.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
This remedy produces a tendency to boils and is applicable to scrofulous persons. Hughes recommends a course of Sulphur 12. Phytolacca is said to be specific in boils. Lycopodium. Evans says the trinity of remedies for boils is Belladonna, Arnica andLycopodiumBerberis vulgaris hastens suppuration in boils and prevents their recurrence. Anthracinum is recommended by Clarke for succession of boils, with no other symptoms to guide. Arctium lappa and Echinacea are excellent remedies with which to break up the "boil habit". In the latter remedy profound prostration is an indication

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Americans Eye Diseases and Conditions

Many Americans Miss the Mark on Eye Diseases 

and Conditions.

A recent survey of 1,000 adults shows that nearly half — 47% — worry more about losing their sight than about losing their memory and their ability to walk or hear. But almost 30% indicated that they don’t get their eyes checked. Many Americans are unaware of the warning signs of eye diseases and conditions that could cause damage and blindness if not detected and treated soon enough. Let’s take a look at some of the most common
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vitamin D

High doses of the "sunshine" vitamin D can help people with tuberculosis recover more quickly, researchers at Queen Mary, University of London, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
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Diverticulitis Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

The term diverticulitis is assigned to the phenomenon where the wall of the digestive tract forms small pouches that are inflamed. This happens when the digestive tract’s inner layer bulges through the outer layer’s weak spots. These pouches are individually known as diverticula.
When one or more of these diverticula become infected or inflamed, it results in the condition being discussed here. Although easy to treat, this illness of the digestive tract can lead to serious complications if not treated in time.
It is also one of the most commonly occurring conditions in the United States and is mostly seen among older people. It is also an illness that is more common among residents of developed and industrialized countries.


The condition is mainly the result of heightened pressure on the wall of the intestines from the inner part of the intestine. Some of the common causes associated with this condition are described below.
  • With the aging process, the outer part of the intestinal wall tends to get thicker. This leads to the constriction of the open space within the intestine. Consequently, this restricts the smooth flow of stool through the colon and therefore, increases the pressure on the walls.
  • People who are habituated to straining repeatedly when having a bowel movement also contribute to the increase of pressure and the subsequent formation of one or many diverticula.
  • Unnaturally hard stools also tend to have a slower transit time (the time taken for the stools to pass through the colon). This also greatly contributes to the increase of pressure on the intestinal walls.
In developed nations, the prevalence of this problem is mainly attributed to the lack of fiber among people’s regular diet. Some of the popular sources of this fiber include vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole grains.
Fiber is further classified into two types; soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber forms a gel like substance during digestion while the insoluble type passes without any change at all. However, both types are necessary to keep the stool soft and easily movable. This aids greatly in preventing chronic constipation, which is prominent among the primary causes of diverticulitis.


People suffering from this condition rarely experience any direct symptoms. However, when any symptoms do appear, they generally tend to be mild and might include the following:
  • Cramping
  • Bloating
  • Pain in the abdomen area
  • Constipation (and in some cases, diarrhoea as well)
Having said so, these symptoms are not exactly specific to diverticulitis only. There are many other conditions of the digestive system that might exhibit one or all of the above mentioned symptoms. A person experiencing any one of the above symptoms should consult a physician immediately for the correct diagnosis.
Inflamed diverticula though is a far more serious condition and causes certain distinct symptoms. They are as follows:
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Some amount of bright red colored blood in the stool
  • Abdomen pain (mainly in the lower left area)
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Chills
If the condition is not treated in a timely manner, it can lead to some serious complications. Such a stage is manifested by severe forms of the above mentioned symptoms in addition to certain new ones. They are:
  • Continuous fever
  • Continuously worsening pain in the abdomen
  • Intense pain or burning during urination
  • Persistent vomiting (no liquid or food is tolerated)
  • Prolonged constipation
  • Rectal bleeding


Ideally, a person should seek the consult of a physician in cases where any one or more of the above mentioned symptoms are seen. The same also holds true if the symptoms first appear and then disappear on their own. The symptoms might be the result of this condition or can also be caused by other underlying illnesses. For these reasons, it is essential to consult a physician on the first exhibition of any of the symptoms.


The diagnosis of this condition is usually begun by a physical inspection that involves a digital rectal examination. This might be followed by some blood tests, X-rays and CT scans. In some cases, the physician might also advise a colonoscopy or even a flexible sigmoidoscopy.


There are certain preventive measures and natural cures of diverticulitis that one can adopt to prevent the inflammation of existing diverticula and the formation of new ones. Some of the important ones include,
  • Drinking plenty of fluids: This helps in keeping the stool soft and easily movable, thereby preventing constipation.
  • Eating a diet with lots of fiber: This includes foods belonging to the whole grain, vegetable, and fruit families. These foods contain elements that are indigestible in nature and hence the body passes them through the colon rather smoothly and quickly.
  • Getting adequate physical exercise: This helps in keeping the colon active and helps regularize bowel movements.
Treating diverticulitis medically involves certain steps that are similar to those mentioned above. A medical practitioner would want the affected person to adopt these steps before taking recourse to medications and drugs. The treatment is mainly geared towards making the stools easier to pass, which eliminates the conditions that lead to the inflammation of the diverticula.
  • Consuming a diet with high fiber content
  • Some medications to relieve pain
  • Plenty of clear fluids
The actual medical treatment of diverticulitis depends upon the severity of the symptoms and the condition itself. Simple cases can be easily taken care of by the local physician or health practitioner. However, in case of slightly more complicated cases, the treatment usually consists of a combination of bowel rest and antibiotics.
The bowel resting period is usually for a couple of days and requires the affected person to consume only clear fluids (i.e. no solid food at all). This helps the colon heal by skipping the normal work it has to do.
For complicated cases that involve increased fever, pain and varying degrees of bleeding, hospitalization is advised. Here, the treatment process again varies as per the severity of thediverticulitis although the normal course consists of bowel rest, IV antibiotics and if required, surgery.