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Thursday 23 May 2013

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Ringworm or Tinea is a fungal contagious infection which generally affect the scalp, body, nails and the feet of a person. The infection caused by ringworm is spread through touches and contacts.
There are many types of skin diseases, some are harmful and some are less harmful, no disease in the world gives advantage, as the Ringworm is also a skin disorder which is also know as Tinea it happens with skin fungi, it also has some types. This disease is not caused by Ringworm ( insects ) but the name is derived from the shape of the affected area, as the spots are round and red in color
Symptoms of ringworm:
The patches of ringworm are oval or round, with scaly and pink colored rings with a clean space in the center of the ring. The infection of ringworm is spread through the nails to the other parts of the body while itching the infection. It not treated for long time, the infection will turn into a chronic disease which is tough to be cured.Ringworm can also results in baldness by spreading in the hair roots and along the hair of the infected person.