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Sunday 28 October 2012

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Homeopathic Remedies for Insanity

Not everyone who needs these remedies is insane; some have migraine headaches, others have hang-overs, still others are only temporarily insane from high fevers, drug use, etc.; but, clearly, some are really "off the wall"; nonetheless, homeopathy can help and sometimes cure! Below are five often-prescribed remedies for "difficult people": 

STRAMONIUM (Stink-weed)

High energy and intensity are striking in this remedy. VIOLENCE or fear of violence is a keynote. Night is a good time to look for Stramonium symptoms because they are AFRAID OF THE DARK, they are worse at night and may need ALL THE LIGHTS ON in the room; a hall light or night light may not be sufficient. NIGHT TERRORS--shrieking in sleep, tossing and turning, sitting up and not knowing anyone, terrified, and not remembering the event the next morning, especially in children, is characteristic. What would cause this state in a person? A high fever, a suppressed fever, a stroke, meningitis, a recent FRIGHT or a fright they've never gotten over, sunstroke, a dog bite, a head injury, rabies, and alcoholism, are all possible causes.

Other Stramonium symptoms include:
Ceaseless talking.
Fear of tunnels.
Desire to escape.
Eyes staring wide; eyes half open during sleep.
Face--expression of terror.
Believes he is possessed by the devil or has other issues with the devil or devils.
There may be an absence of pain where pain would be normal.

RAVING MANIA, super-human strength, dilated pupils, red face, violent rages, manic-depression.


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